Bob Nakagawa, BScPharm, ACPR
Bob Nakagawa is Registrar of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia. Prior to joining the College as Registrar in April 2012, Bob was the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Pharmaceutical Services Division of the Ministry of Health.
Bob has a pharmacy degree from UBC and a residency in hospital pharmacy from St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver and is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. He has worked both in hospital and in government in developing innovative services and policies for the last 3 decades. He has served as President of the College of Pharmacists of BC, as well as the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
Bob is an expert in public drug plan management and has provided advice to federal, provincial and international governments in this area. Bob has chaired the Drug Benefits Committee for BC PharmaCare and the Federal Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee for Canada.