Yann Joly, LLB, LLM, PhD (DCL)
Yann Joly, Ph.D. (DCL), is a Lawyer and an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Genetics at McGill University, as well as a research fellow from the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) and a researcher at the Centre de recherche en droit public (Université de Montréal). He also works as an ethics and legal consultant in the private sector. Prof. Joly is the North American coordinator of the Association de recherche et de formation en droit medical (ARFDM) and the Data Access Officer of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC). His research activities lie at the interface of the fields of intellectual property, health law (biotechnology and other emerging health technologies) and bioethics. He has served as a legal advisor on several ethics committees in the public and private sectors. Professor Joly is the lead author of the recent Genome Canada (GPS) Policy Brief: Moving Beyond Commercialization: Strategies to Maximize the Social and Economic Impact of Genomics Research.